Another successful INDUSTRONIC Partner Workshop at our IME Office in Dubai

We are pleased to share with you the success of the recent INDUSTRONIC Partner Workshop in IME office, Dubai!

Nine participants from four countries gathered in our Dubai office where we had the pleasure of welcoming our esteemed partners from the GCC region. It was an honour to have such an outstanding group of experts with us!

The main focus during the workshop was to share further comprehensive technical knowledge about our INTRON-X system. We are excited to announce that we have achieved our goal of providing valuable insights and practical skills to our partners.

In addition, we have also familiarized our partners with the X-Change (upgrade) of our INTRON-D plus systems as well as the interoperability to the INTRON-D plus system. These important features ensure extended backward compatibility and increase the value and longevity of our products.

The workshop created a collaborative atmosphere that allowed participants to engage in lively discussions, share experiences and network with like-minded professionals. It was an incredible opportunity to strengthen our partnerships and build new connections.

We are immensely proud of the successful training event we organised. The dedication and enthusiasm of our partners was truly inspiring. Together, we will continue to add value and excellence to our clients.

Further, our IME office Training room is open to our valuable customers, who have the opportunity for a very informative training on our latest INTRON-X system as well.

A big thank you to all our partners who accompanied us in Dubai and a special thanks to our colleagues Emanuel Rossmann, Balaram Baliarsingh as well as Anoop Perumbulavil who made this possible!

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