Greeting from the President 2024

Dear readers,

For almost 60 years now, INDUSTRONIC has been a successful manufacturer of communication systems for industrial applications in harsh environments. 

In addition to Oil & Gas, potentially explosive processes for sustainable energy generation such as hydrogen or battery production and recycling are new areas of applications for our systems. Our solutions can also be found in steel works, opencast mining and other industries with harsh production conditions.

Almost 60 years ago, it all started with simple but robust relay systems, some of which are still in use today. After decades of first analog and then digital technology it is now the IP technology of the INTRON-X system that is shaping the system landscape. Yet you can integrate all known technologies.

INDUSTRONIC is renowned for its networked solutions for large plants, regardless of how complex the requirements are in terms of redundancy, warning sequences, etc. The safety of people, machines and the environment is our top priority. Maintaining and keeping the system up to date plays an important role here! For this purpose, INDUSTRONIC offers customized maintenance contracts.

As our systems are deployed in safety-critical environments, they are still wired. However, with our DUSTRON app, you can use any communication functions and other features via smartphone and tablet.

Globalization is changing. But due to modern technologies, it will continue bringing the world closer together. INDUSTRONIC is following this path gradually adopting a more international character with our subsidiaries and partners.

We would like to thank all our employees, customers and suppliers. 

Please contact us! We will be happy to assist you. 

Regards, Wolfgang Stallmeyer


Wertheim, January 2024

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